When working with package commands, it's not unlikely to run into errors and issues. Here is a compilation of common errors that may occur, along with solutions to those errors.
The package ID or Alias ID is invalid OR The subscriber version ID or package version ID isn't defined
The package version ids may be specific to a DevHub that does not allow them to be installed in another company's environments. This can happen on open source projects where the package IDs and version IDs are listed in the packageAliases section of open source SFDX projects
To fix this, you would need to remove all of the IDs of packages and versions you have not created, and re-package them for yourself. Add your own IDs to the local sfdx-project.json
"Package" isn't defined in the sfdx-project.json. Add it to the packagedirectories section and add the alias to packageAliases with its 0Ho ID.
Same problem as above. Your own DevHub doesn't recognize the packages that were created and versioned in another DevHub
It's possible that the package was created on a different Dev Hub. Authenticate to the Dev Hub org that owns the package, and reference that Dev Hub when running the command
Same as problems from above. You have to recreate all of the packages from your own DevHub, and reference those IDs only.
This Directory does not contain a valid Salesforce DX project
This happened if I tried to edit in a path that wasn't correct. Sometimes, when I opened a project, VSCode would open up the repo without the correct path. To fix this I just did "cd .\InsertFolderNameHere"
Always double check that you are working in the path where your SFDX project is located
Path must be a string, received null
It fixed itself when I edited the contents within the package directory folder, and then restarted VScode.I assume it's because a path is considered empty / doesn't have enough contents for a proper package.
Expected path
This error occurred when I tried to version a package, and the path I referred to was different than the path in the sfdx-project.json file. It has to be exactly the same. I refereed "./forceapp1" in my command, however, in the file, it was just "forceapp1" without the "./"
Package Root directory empty
This occurred when I created a package, and the folder for the package directory was empty. When I created an empty file inside of the directory and entered in a few random lines of cold, the error went away.
Managing packages in their sfdx-project.json file is a vital part of the development process. The process of involving dependencies, versioning, and installation can all become very confusing. This page breaks down the process in a digestible way, so that you can easily create, version, and install packages.
Package Version Numbers:
NEXT: increment the build number to the next available for the package
LATEST: assign the latest version of the package
By default, when referencing a certain Standard Object, field, or component type, you will generate a prerequisite dependency on your package
Package Installation Key:
ensures the security of the metadata within the package. Authorized Users are then provided the key
Provide -k (installation key) when running sfdx force:package:version:create
. This key must be supplied when installing the package in an org.
Installation keys can be changed by running sfdx force:package:version:update
Distinguishes your package and its contents from packages of other developers
Creating a "no namespace" package gives developers more control over how to organize and distribute parts of an application. Existing unpackaged metadata can be migrated only to an unlocked package with no namespace.
sfdx force:package:create
Make sure you specify the -name, -packagetype, -path, and -description.
specify feature and org preferences for the metadata in your sfdx-project.json
sfdx force:package:version:create
Make sure you specify the -package, -installationkey, -wait, and any optional variables you wish to update
Use the "-b" flag to specify a build on a "logical branch". This flag allows you to keep experimental/development builds separate from the "main stream" builds that would be generated from your GIT MASTER branch
sfdx force:package:install
Make sure you specify the package version by running sfdx:force:package:version:list
to find its 0Ho ID.
Install packages in order of dependencies
Include the -tag option when you use the package:version:create
and package:version:update
commands. This option helps you keep your version-control system tags in sync with specific package versions.
Keep your sfdx-project.json populated with important information such as versions, name, build, aliases, etc. This is your source of truth for all packages.
use -wait when creating package versions. This helps you avoid the process of having to run sfdx force:version:report:create
in order to view your package's status.
Don't version every little feature or change. Your org has a maximum number of package commands you can run.
Avoid namespaces if you aren't accustomed to them
Specify PermissionSets within your packages
Refer to the CLI Command Reference when running sfdx commands
Refer to the Scratch Org and DevHub Reference when using Scratch Org
Adopt a robust .forceignore file to avoid pulling down unwanted metadata
Have developers religiously refer to the Metadata Coverage Report to avoid packaging metadata this is incompatible with packaging.