Example Walkthrough
Goes through an illustrated walkthrough of setting up the Physician domain context
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Goes through an illustrated walkthrough of setting up the Physician domain context
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Open up the cosmos db model file you are going to work on found in the /infrastructure/data-sources/cosmos-db/models/ directory. In this example, we are working with physician.ts model
In /domain/contexts/ directory, you will find various directories named with different contexts
Find the folder for domain object you are working on and create a file named after the interface which extends Base in the cosmos db schema
An interface that extends Base means the domain object is an Aggregate Root
In this example, we look under /domain/contexts/ for the physician folder
We create the stub domain context file physician.ts in /domain/contexts/physician/
Copy the fields from cosmos db model for Physician into PhysicianProps on domain side
Refer to the Field Types documentation about what to do for primitive and non-primitive type fields
The first non-primitive type in this example is the licenses field on line 74 in the Cosmos DB model On domain props side, the licenses field should be a readonly PropArray of PhysicianLicenseProps
Now we have to make the domain context file for PhysicianLicense. Look for the interface in the cosmos db model for physician
In this example, PhysicianLicense interface extends SubdocumentBase
so PhysicianLicenseProps extend EntityProps and the PhysicianLicense class extends Entity
Created this physician-license.ts domain context file in /domain/contexts/physician/
Now you fill out the props for the PhysicianLicense using the interface on the cosmos db side
The first field in our case is type PopulatedDoc reference to another aggregate root so we have to treat it differently than a primitive field.
The type of the field is PhysicianRegulatoryAuthorityProps and it's readonly
Also need a setPhysicianRegulatoryAuthorityRef field below it, which is a method that takes a PhysicianRegulatoryAuthorityEntityReference as an argument
Note: You only need this setRef field if in the cosmos db schema you see type: ObjectId and ref, otherwise the field is local to the aggregate root
Now fill out the rest of the fields from the PhysicianLicense interface in the cosmos db model
Next step is the entity reference interface.
Every field that refers to another props or if the field is a setRef method needs to be omitted
The names of the field are passed as a union of strings. Refer to the image below. If the props only contains primitive fields, then you can leave the entity reference as it is.
The last step is the class for the domain object
Since the cosmos db model is a SubdocumentBase, this class should extend Entity
Need to create getters for every field and requestSet methods for all the primitive and PopulatedDoc type fields
For fields that are props of another domain context, we pass the props field into that domain context's constructor along with the context.
For the requestSet of those fields, we use the setRef field we created in the props and pass in that domain context's entity reference.
This domain context file for PhysicianLicense is now complete. We can go back to physician.ts and import it.
In the cosmos db physician interface, it says licenses is a Types.DocumentArray so we need to wrap PhysicianLicenseProps in a PropsArray for the domain props field type.
Also make sure the field is readonly, just like we do for any props type field.
Since this is a PropsArray, we don’t need a setRef field for licenses.
Don't forget to omit licenses from the entity reference interface.
For PropsArray fields, we use a ReadonlyArray for the entity reference.
Continue going through the rest of the Physician interface fields in cosmos db model
You may reach a field which refers to a Custom Type defined locally in the cosmos db model
In this example, PhysicianSystemTagProperties is a NestedPath. Therefore, we have to create a physician-system-tag-properties.ts domain context file
Since PhysicianSystemTagProperties is a NestedPath, the props interface should extend ValueObjectProps and the class should extend Value Object.
Also, Value Objects don’t use the props extends generic structure that you see for Aggregate Root or Entity extended-classes.
Now you just have to fill out the props just as you did for the other domain context files
For this example, there is only one primitive field so it's a relatively simple domain object
Now you should have seen every scenario you might encounter when building up the domain context files.
You should be able to translate any cosmos db model into the domain layer.