
If the cosmos db interface extends SubdocumentBase, it is an Entity on domain side

Cosmos DB Model

export interface PhysicianLicense extends SubdocumentBase {

Each entity requires:

  • Domain Context file

  • Domain Adapter

Domain Context

import { Entity, EntityProps } from "../../shared/entity";
import { DomainExecutionContext } from "../context";

export interface PhysicianLicenseProps extends EntityProps {
  // Add fields according to the model

export interface PhysicianLicenseEntityReference extends Readonly<PhysicianLicenseProps> {}

export class PhysicianLicense<props extends PhysicianLicenseProps> 
  extends Entity<props> implements PhysicianLicenseEntityReference {
  constructor(props: props, private readonly context: DomainExecutionContext) { 
  // Add getters and setters for the field that was mentioned/defined above
  • domain context file in same directory as context file of aggregate root it belongs to

  • in this example, physician-license.ts is placed in contexts/physician/ directory alongside physician.ts context file

Domain Adapter

class PhysicianLicenseDomainAdapter implements PhysicianLicenseProps {
  constructor(public readonly doc: PhysicianLicense) {}
  get id() { return this.doc.id.valueOf() as string; }
  // Add getters and setters for the field that was mentioned/defined in Domain Context file
  • domain adapter in same file as domain adapter of aggregate root

  • if too many adapters in one file, you can split out the domain adapters into multiple files as needed

  • in this example, PhysicianLicenseDomainAdapter goes in physician.domain-adapter.ts

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