Creating GitHub Project

(~5 minutes)

Remove Cached repo for UI

The UI project may still have GIT repo associated with it, we'll forceably remove it:

cd ui
git rm -r --cached . -f
rm -rf .git
cd ../

Initializing the local repo

Return back to the azure-quickstart directory you had created earlier, this directory contains /ui, /data-access and /fullstack.code-workspace

In a command line type:

git init .

Add Files to Local Repo (we're also renaming master to main)

git add .
git commit -m "initial commit"
git branch -m master main # this step is no longer needed [2022-10-18]

Add Remote

Go to Github and create a new project, and then we'll add a remote:

git remote add origin <<remote url>>

Push to GitHub

*Note: You may need to do this step from VSCode

git branch -M main
git push -u origin main

Last updated