(~20 minutes)
Why CosmosDB + MongoDB
CosmosDB is a good solution for building a solution for a startup, it allows solutions to start small and to scale globally, all with little management overhead. There are, of course drawbacks as well, the major one being that cost can be come an issue. This project will attempt to keep costs in check by fronting access to CosmosDB with Apollo GraphQL which if architected appropriately can make server side calls more efficient and can leverage caching.
The NodeJS community has excellent support for MongoDB and the maturity in working with unstructured data provides a good paring with Apollo GraphQL and helps to meet the demands of modern consumer created data driven applications.
Set up an instance of CosmosDB
Navigate to the Create Azure CosmosDB Account in the Azure portal
Select the appropriate Subscription
Select the rg-sharethrift resource group
Instance Details:
Account Name: sharethrift<<Random Number>>
API: Azure CosmosDB for MogodDB API
Notebooks (Preview): On
Location: (US) East US 2
Apply Free Tier Discount: Apply
Account Type: Production
Version: 4.2
Multi-region Writes: Enable (may want to Disable for lower cost)
Availability Zones: Enable
Click Next: Networking
Network Connectivity - Connectivity method: All networks
Public endpoint (selected networks)Configure FirewallAllow access from Azure Portal:AllowAllow access from my IP:Allow
Click Review + create
Click Create (wait for completion)
Click Data Explorer
Choose New Database (Pane will show)
Database ID: sharethrift
Provision throughput: Checked
Important: This allows each collection to share in the 1,000 RU allotment for the free tier.
Database Throughput(autoscale):Autoscale
Max R/Us: (leave default 1,000 )
Click OK
Recommended Reading
(3.6 is the max version supported by Cosmos at the time of writing)
Recommended Tools
3T - Robo3T(free) / Studio3T(commercial)
Last updated
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